Friday, November 21, 2014

Compilation118 - American Analogue Set and Wooden Birds

Here is one last compilation for now and it is the Analog set and the singer's current band Wooden Birds, Enjoy the tunes folks...

Compilation117 - Sea and Cake

I'm never sure who is aware of which bands so sometimes I throw in some that if you don't know about you should. Here is one of those bands and it is Sea and Cake...

Compilation116 - Beachwood Sparks and Mystic Chords of Memory

Here is a great compilation of Beachwood Sparks and Mystic Chords of Memory stuff. Factoid: I smoked herb with Beachwood Sparks in the basement of Mercury Lounge back in the day...

Compilation115 - Slits and Saboten

Here is a great compilation of Slits and Saboten songs, check them out...