Saturday, October 4, 2014

Compilation114 - June Brides and Brilliant Corners

An 80's Jangle Pop comp by June Brides and Brilliant Corners. This one goes out to my oldest friend on this earth Dan Villanueva who has turned me onto June Brides and many other great bands over the years:

Compilation113 -Oresund Space Collective

Here is a compilation of amazing tracks from a band that I stumbled upon recently call Oresund Space Collective, This stuff is pretty awesome:

Compilation112 - Psych Compilation

Here are some killer Psych tracks from various artists, look at the attached spreadsheet for tracklist:

Compilation111 - Cleaners from Venus

This is a short playlist but great nonetheless and since it is being published with 4 others I don't feel so bad:

Compilation110 - Dead Milkmen

After a long hiatus away from my blog due to water damage in our apartment and my focus changing slightly to making music of my own (to get me through the aforementioned disaster), I wanted to publish a few playlists of some things that I have been listening to recently. This post is dedicated to Jimmy McKinney who reminded me how awesome the Dead Milkmen are: