Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Compilation121 - Indie Comp 2

Here is another compilation of some Indie stuff that I have been listening to lately, Enjoy:

Compilation120 - Indie Comp 1

Here is a compilation of some Indie stuff that I have been listening to lately, Enjoy:

Compilation119 - Various Oldies but Goodies

Here are some funny oldie but goodies for your listening pleasure, Happy New Year!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Compilation118 - American Analogue Set and Wooden Birds

Here is one last compilation for now and it is the Analog set and the singer's current band Wooden Birds, Enjoy the tunes folks...

Compilation117 - Sea and Cake

I'm never sure who is aware of which bands so sometimes I throw in some that if you don't know about you should. Here is one of those bands and it is Sea and Cake...

Compilation116 - Beachwood Sparks and Mystic Chords of Memory

Here is a great compilation of Beachwood Sparks and Mystic Chords of Memory stuff. Factoid: I smoked herb with Beachwood Sparks in the basement of Mercury Lounge back in the day...

Compilation115 - Slits and Saboten

Here is a great compilation of Slits and Saboten songs, check them out...

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Compilation114 - June Brides and Brilliant Corners

An 80's Jangle Pop comp by June Brides and Brilliant Corners. This one goes out to my oldest friend on this earth Dan Villanueva who has turned me onto June Brides and many other great bands over the years:

Compilation113 -Oresund Space Collective

Here is a compilation of amazing tracks from a band that I stumbled upon recently call Oresund Space Collective, This stuff is pretty awesome:

Compilation112 - Psych Compilation

Here are some killer Psych tracks from various artists, look at the attached spreadsheet for tracklist:

Compilation111 - Cleaners from Venus

This is a short playlist but great nonetheless and since it is being published with 4 others I don't feel so bad:

Compilation110 - Dead Milkmen

After a long hiatus away from my blog due to water damage in our apartment and my focus changing slightly to making music of my own (to get me through the aforementioned disaster), I wanted to publish a few playlists of some things that I have been listening to recently. This post is dedicated to Jimmy McKinney who reminded me how awesome the Dead Milkmen are:

Friday, April 4, 2014

Compilation099 - Ethiopian Jazz

Here is a compilation of some more classic Ethiopian Jazz songs:

Compilation098 - Psych Heavy

Here is a compilation of some heavy Psych songs:

Compilation097 - Mogollar

Here is a compilation of songs by the great band Mogollar:

Compilation096 - Psych Pop

Here is a compilation of some poppy type Psych songs:

Compilation095 - Fusion

Here is a compilation of some great Fusion songs:

Compilation094 - Psych Modern

Here is a compilation of some modern Psych songs:

Compilation093 - Psych Classic

Here is a compilation of some classic Psych songs:

Compilation092 - Ethiopian Jazz

Here is a compilation of some modern Etiopian Jazz, a very good comp:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Hey friends,

I just wanted to stop in to let you know that I have not been absent from my blog recently by choice. We came home from Christmas holiday to find our apartment was affected by severe water damage dur to our upstairs neighbor trying to change his toilet. A remediation crew came in and removed our entire ceiling out and two feet off the top of our walls and floor boards. They also removed our entire kitchen and we have moved most of our personal property out into storage because they will have to replace our entire floor as well. For the past month we have moved more times than I can count but we have now found temporary housing that our insurance is paying for. We hired a mold inspector who came in and found high levels of mold still present. Once we presented this to our management company they brought in their own inspector and we are waiting for that report back. I suspect that we will have to fight with our building and the insurance company about who will be paying for what and will have to make sure the rebuilding is done correctly. We have talked to a lawyer and are kind of waiting for them to tell us what they will do next before we decide whether to sue or not because we have been told that if most is being covered by insurance it can be hard to win a case of this type. There is almost too many things to mention and as you might imagine it gets quite depressing talking about it. I just wanted to let those who do not know me well where I have been and to those who have been there for me emotionally during these tough times I just wanted to say thanks. On a positive note, At least we are both safe and healthy and not too much of our personal property was lost. I have still been discovering some great music that I will post once my life is back in order. Keep checking back for new stuff but in the meantime please peruse what I have uploaded so far and you will hear from me soon enough...